PROMATION USA was delighted to introduce several new technologies this year, including the all new Panda Laser Marking Solution, Panda Intelligent Robotic Soldering Work Cell, and TECHMAN Collaborative Robot Solutions.
PROMATION USA’s 2022 International Sales Invitational was an event held at the PROMATION USA North American Headquarters located in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The Conference’s primary goal was to educate PROMATION Sales Force on the latest technology trends and new emerging technologies for the electronics manufacturing industry.
Technologies on display ranged from:
PROMATION PCB Handing Solutions
PANDA Robotics Laser Marking Solution
PANDA Robotics Intelligent Soldering Solution
Techman Collaborative Robots
QUICK Robotic Soldering / Dispensing / Screw Driving Solutions
QUICK Hand Tools
OnRobot Cobot Tools
Mike Goldberg (Vice President) welcomes attendees during the opening ceremony.
Attendees participated in several educational presentations and were able to gain hands-on training/ experience with the PROMATION Robotics Division Team.
The conference was an enormous success, not only for our sales representatives all over the world, but also for our innovation team and support teams here in the USA. The information we learn from our representatives about: the challenges they face, the obstacles they must overcome, and the solutions their clients seek, allows us to marry specific technology sets with real-world issues.
After a long, enduring pandemic, it was outstanding to meet with our sales team in a single location and share stories and insights; undivided by territories or boundaries. Furthermore, it was incredibly fulfilling to have our sales team bear witness to the latest innovations by PROMATION USA Team and how we have reinvested and reinvented ourselves and our technology over the last few years. I think the meeting, overall, was a GREAT Success!- Mike Goldberg (Vice President)
Albert Rios (Diversitech) performs hands-on cobot programming using the Techman TM-14 with PROMATION USA Tech Member: Spencer Lazarz.
For overseas agents that were unable to attend the 2022 Sales Conference in person, PROMATION USA will be continuing to conduct several virtual sessions as a continued effort to educate it’s sales force.
If your team is interested in becoming a sales agent of PROMATION USA, please contact us directly at: sales@promationusa.com
If you are a client or electronics manufacturer, looking to further educate and understand the benefits of our technology, please contact us directly at: sales@promationusa.com
Below are a few additional photos from the week:
Gary Goldberg (President / CEO) discusses conveyance technologies for PCB Handling Solutions.
Joshua Christofferson (International Technology Officer) discussed PANDA Laser Marking Technologies.
David Smith (Horizon Sales) listens closely to the lecturers.
Phil Smith (Gardner & Meredith, Inc.) converses on technology trends during round-table discussions.
Technical “Hands-On” Sessions allow sales agents to get up close with a variety of different manufacturing technology.
Kris Evans (DG Marketing) gets up close with the QUICK ET9484E Table-Top Robotic Soldering Solution.
Rick Richardson (Gardner & Meredith) signing up for the PROMATION USA electronic newsletter.
Spencer Lazarz (PROMATION USA) takes the Interlatin MX Sales Team through collaborative robot demonstration using the TM-14 Cobot.
For more information on all of our manufacturing technologies. contact your local PROMATION USA Sales Agent, or visit with us online at: